Friday, 17 August 2007

Coffee is good for you

Believe it or not, coffee is a popular but good stimulant for us women out there! A recent finding published by the French National Institute of Medical Research surveyed more than 7000 men and women in 3 French cities concluded that drinking more than three cups of coffee or its caffeine equivalent in tea per day protect older women from the age-related memory decline in especially the verbal and visual memories. However there is a catch - this finding is held more beneficial for those women over 80 years in age than women 10-15 years younger surveyed. Unfortunately, apparently these benefits didn't apply to men.

I for one, love my coffee. Ever since I discovered how to use the antique espresso machine at work a year ago, I have been drinking making my latte a daily ritual at work ever since and somehow, instant coffee doesn't taste the same anymore.

So ladies coffee-drinkers out there, start drinking. Although we are still young and not aged 80 - we could pave our ways now to improve our memories retention before we turn 80!

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