Monday, 24 December 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2008

This morning, as I laid awake in bed still sleepless at 2am, a panic sprang to mind: I can't help and wonder, where has the last 12 months gone to?

Looking back, I have spent so much of this year working. All work and no play (with limited travel) made me such a boring person!

So we make choices everyday and no matter how good or bad these are, we have to live by it and its consequences. I hope you all have had a good year. If not, may 2008 be better.

May the Blessings of Christmas be with you and your loved ones,
no matter where you are,
Along with other joys, laughters, peace and hope
on Christmas Day and on every day of the year,
hope this is the beginning of wonderful new year 2008 ahead.

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